DIY Financing top three considerations.
DIY Financing is a critical consideration when planning a DIY. I need to share some of the concerns I considered when deciding yes or no on a project.

Tools + Materials + Financial consequence = Yes/No
Cost of Tools
First, I evaluated the cost of the tools I may need to purchase for the job. For example, in my plumbing project, I needed to purchase some tools and carefully researched where to purchase and how much it would cost. I decided that purchasing the tools was well worth it because I have three bathrooms, and the tools will be handy to have should I need to do repairs in the other bathrooms. The other bathrooms’ likelihood of needing some maintenance is very high, so yes, it is a worthy investment.
Cost of Materials
I go back to my plumbing example. I needed to repair the sink was less than $30.00 and was easy to pick up at Home Depot or Lowes, which is also where I could find the tools. The tools I needed could easily be ordered through amazon, so that decision was easy. Also, sealing that decision was that the probability of any other of my bathrooms might need work is super high, and the tools are more likely than not to be needed and used again.

Financial consequence should I fail.
This is an absolute must!! You need to research the project, especially if it a home repair. I go back to my plumbing project, where I asked myself what if I fail. How much might it cost to get a professional here to fix and reverse the further damage I might cause. And with plumbing, you are looking at high numbers. So the next question I asked myself is can I afford to call for help should I need it. The answer to that question was no, but I decided to take the risk and moved forward.
I just posted my plumbing job. It was tough to take pictures as I went along. I was thrilled when I finished and considering what the cost of a plumber might be. Check out my Kitchen Sink Strainer Repair post.