iMarly 2021- looking forward to the future.
Welcome to iMarly 2021. Yes, 2020 has been a year that will go down in time. The word Pandemic only was something you used to see in movies and history books, but here I am actually living it. What a story to tell our next generation.
I am so grateful and consider myself lucky not to have contracted Corona Virus, but I am still careful and not blind to the fact that my luck can run out.

It has been challenging for the last 4 years to get back to my geek hobbies. My hobbies, I mean this blog, photography, and lots of other random interests. Interest that I plan to share here on iMarly. I guess you could say the pandemic is a real motivator. I am at home anyway, and because I am raising my granddaughter, I can’t work from home, let alone go out and work. By the way, I can not think of a better way to wait out a pandemic.

What is coming in iMarly 2021?
I can’t reveal all of my secrets just yet. Come back often and see what I have been up to. Keeping it simple but not boring is what I have in mind. The advice you would get from most web experts is to stick to one niche, but I can’t do that. I have so much to share, and for now, I will just put it all here for all to see. I am looking forward to a new year, and at the age of 56, I have only just begun.
Little more about iMarly.
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